#44: Going Bite-size is now on Facebook!

Woohoo! The 21st century finally arrived at this side of the cloud!

Aiming to expand its audience and find new friends, Going Bite-size is now on Facebook.

You will find the link to the blog’s Facebook page on the menu in the left hand yellow box. You can follow the blog and get updates on recent and past posts pronto. Previous posts will gradually be added so that all the Bite-sizes can easily be revisited and shared.

Please do leave your feedback and spread the good mojo: if you like it, show it to a friend. Have fun!

#30: Amateurs are (the) real pros

Almost everyone with some years of business under their belt, in every profession, at some point attains the end of the phase of innocence. It marks the end of most illusions and unfounded revery regarding a specific professional activity and reveals every rose has its thorns. This is not a question of stop loving what you do – although that can happen too –, but of knowing what your occupation is not, rather what it is.

What I mean is: understanding the limits imposed by an everyday job that shovels tight schedules, admin procedures and emergency drills sometimes takes away some of the freedom to embrace projects passionately and thoroughly. I believe it takes a lot of vocation and dedication to keep the good mojo going. This applies particularly to creative fields.

So who is truly free to pick their own projects, run them how they want and spend as much time as they want on them? Amateurs, of course.

If you think of it, a lot of the best work in creative fields is being produced by amateurs. With digital communication technology tools becoming ubiquitous, a growing number of professionals nowadays comes from the immense pool of amateurs. Quite often, amateurs have excellent technical skills and – in Marketing lingo – they opt in: they are not pushed to do it, are usually not paid, work in their own free time and frequently operate under the radar.

Photographers, illustrators and designers; writers, cooks and musicians; geeks, thinkers and undercover agents – moonlighting and exploring their passions by night. What moves them? It must be the love for their production or the need to be involved with their chosen medium of expression.

Who has the drive and disposition to spend two hours a day, after wrapping up a day’s work, illustrating a comic they post online?

Who will spend their holliday money shooting buildings just for kicks? Who knits woolen gorillas for sale at the office?

Amateurs, of course.

Kudos for all amateurs pursuing their artistic projects and passions!

#26: Super fast poll

Going Bite-size is looking for a way to reach new readers and social media looks like an option.

I would love to hear some opinions on the subject, so I hope you can spare a minute and a couple of clicks with this super fast poll. Thanks in advance!



If your answer is “other”, please take some time state your pick using the “comments” box. Also, please explain your choice or leave some advice on the topic. Any thoughts will certainly be very useful!

#10: Evolve

Dear friends, welcome to Going Bite-size.

Project Envelope has evolved.

It just grew to become a fat envelope and needs to accommodate new stuff for which it hadn’t been previously prepared.

So now I am Going Bite-size. Life gets easier and more fun when you share it in small chunks. The philosophy was already there, it just gets more versatile – the revised website will welcome all the existing material and a lot more.

Expect photography, illustration, design, architecture, writing and a twist of humor and whatever fabrications cross my wandering mind.

As some sections may be more related to Portuguese issues, Going Bite-size will alternate English with Portuguese.

The goal is to post a bite-size every week. I hope you will enjoy them. Please come and visit us often!



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